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Welcome to Plant It On Me

Hi, I'm Dipali, the founder of Plant It On Me Skincare. If you're like me and have struggled with constant breakouts and dark marks, let me show you how I changed my skin.

It's What's Inside That Counts.

Carefully created and developed using ingredients rooted in science and nature, our formulations are designed to strengthen and nourish your skin and address skin concerns like dark marks and rough texture.

My Story

Throughout my teens and early 20’s I had zero confidence.
I was bullied constantly for my skin.
Every time I looked in the mirror all I could see was dark marks, cysts and scabs.

I hated my skin and felt I looked hideous.
I found skincare messaging confusing and overwhelming not to mention expensive.

So NOTHING changed for years.

By chance my mother was talking to her friend from India about my skin and she introduce her to an ancient Ayurvedic mask recipe.

Ayurveda uses powerful ingredients found in nature, and only when I started using this mask did I start to see improvements!

It was life changing.

I could not believe my skin was starting to clear.

And at this point I knew I wanted to help others feel skin confident so they wouldn’t have to go through what I did.

I joined the skincare industry and devoted myself for the next 20 years to uncovering the most potent skincare ingredients nature had to offer.

That’s culminated in PLANT IT ON ME!

I would love for you to join me on this journey to inspire skin confidence in everyone!




Before & After

"Our Smooth & Renew AHA resurfacing gel mask is designed to improve your skin, and we're positive that you will be satisfied with the results. In the unlikely event that you don't see any changes. We offer a money-back guarantee to ensure your complete satisfaction"
